What is Google AdSense ?
well..actually Google AdSense for me, its very new. I know Google AdSense from my best friends. He told me that this is a good opportunity to have another income from Internet business. Well , when the firs time i heard about this , why not ? And i think Google AdSense can give us another income ( what i mean "Money" & I'm sure you will agree with me, right ? ). OK , after i set up what it's need , then i starts to do what my friends told me. Do you know what happens. Its was very hard & difficult , 2 month I'm waiting my account to be approved. Not only approval procedures that make me very sad , the rule of Google AdSense its very tight. I try to surf in Internet to finds a lot of information about this , but i cant find it. What i find only a lot off add that give us a lot of dreams. They said that we can be reach with out working. I disagree with that opinion. Small example : you need Internet investment money to run your business on Internet right. After this you will need a little skills & knowledge for support you business. & all that are need money. I know it was not big money , but still its need money. And you need to work to run your business on Internet. Make blogs , sites , gets information to make your blogs or web sites up to date. The most important things are " TRUST " from your client. How to get their trust are your problems to solve it. Be honest , give a good served , than you will get their trust. Not easy right ?!. But don't be afraid ! Its part of this business. Be patient that's the key.
My advised : do not very easy to trust adds that's only give you dreams with out prove. You have to be selective to this adds if you do not want to take risk to losing your money.
Kamis, 27 Desember 2007
Golden Key To Be Success
Golden key to be success in this business it was very easy , but it was very hard to do. PATIENT !! That's the golden key . It was very easy rigth . Because in this business patient it become very important things. Sometimes we get temptation to cheat. Such as you do your own click to your own Google AdSense adds. Why i say so because , i did it . Some people did it either , but what we get . You have a big risk to be bended or blocked. Yeah , your Google AdSense be in blocked. And there is nothing that you can do about it .
There some criteria patients that i explained to you :
There some criteria patients that i explained to you :
- You have to be patient on waiting . Do you ever thing to cheat . it will cost you nothing. If you do , get ready to be block on your account. And you must start it over again. Useless rigth.
- You have to be patient on looking all about information's of this business. Of course you have to selective all the information's. Because sometimes there are many risk information that can course you a risk or disadvantage.
- You have to be patient studying all the policy from Google AdSense because there is the key for you to be success. Learn it to detail. Ask for the information that you can not understand.
- You have to be patient to maintaining your sites or blogs. Make them to be very attractive, so can invited a lot of visitors. Don forget, always follow the lattes information.
- You have to be patient to promoted your web sites or your blogs . Its become very important to make your $ increased.
- You have to be patient to observed your account report. evaluated what adds is the most big hits n money.
Offering To Make your Adsense Income Up

In here i just wanted to offering you my service to increasing you $ income about your google account . Of course there is some pre requirement if choose to use our services . In Our services we are very strict about some rules . We never break all rules from google adsense . So if you do that , we can not accept & tolerate you sites or blogs to use our services . In this services we did not used hard ware or soft ware to increasing your google adsense income. We just do what google adsense recommended to optimized our blogs & sites to increasing your $ income.
Of course we can not tell you how we did in here . Because we have own rules for this. You do not have to worried about our ways , becouse it's all pure and save if you do what we told you . OK , lets back in business, to joint our services you must have account Google AdSense , to have it you must have sites or blogs that you manage by your self . Of course the content of your sites or blogs must appropriate with Google AdSense policy. And you must avoid to break the policy Google AdSense account if still you want to get you $. If you breaking the policy , i can not give our services for you. ( Only blog or site that's appropriate Google AdSense , will accepted to our policy.
In this service you will get some extra charged. Because i need it to run this business. In this service we will guide you to manage you blog and sites to increase you Google adsense income. Some point will guide you to :
- How to select potential adds , to get big income.
- How to manage your adds in place on you site or your blogs.
- We give consulting about you problems
- Helping you to increase your $ income ( pure , with out cheating )
- Make your Google AdSense rise
- Have approved gGoogle AdSense account
- Have blog or sites that appropriate with Google AdSense policy
- Follow every steps from our instruction
- Choose your hosting increase $ package
- All communication for guiding will sends by email and yahoo messenger
- end us your blogs and sites URL address by email , i suggest you have email address only just for our communication. to make easier for you to check our lattes information .
- Wait for our confirmation by email ( depends from our traffic client list )
- This hosting are very private and personal . so if you already joint your blogs or sites with us don't tell your address to unknown person , group . To avoid unwanted things. Because there are so many people want it so badly but they don't wanted to pay. It's very disadvantaged to us , and you of course
- A. 4 $ us for 1 month hosting , to get minimum income , 12 $ us in your Google AdSense account
- B. 8 $ us for 1 month hosting , to get minimum income , 25 $ us in your Google AdSense account
- C. 12 $ us for 1 month hosting , to get minimum income , 55 $ us in your Google AdSense account
- D. 32 $ us for 1 month hosting , to get minimum income , 155 $ us in your Google AdSense account
- the traffic not full , you will get your money in 3 days . Just check your Google AdSense report account.

Payment Procedures Bank Transfer
- Transfer to BCA Bank account : 126-033-1902 with address name bethalia saradicta ( please insert code 989 when you make a transfer to us . Example ; if you choose a package Rp. 30.000 , you must tranfer Rp.30.989 to us. It's to make us easier to trace your payment. )
- Transfer to MANDIRI Bank account : 137-00-044714-27 an bethalia saradicta ( please insert code 989 when you make a transfer to us . Example ; if you choose a package Rp. 30.000 , you must transfer Rp.30.989 to us. It's to make us easier to trace your payment. )
Click this E-Gold URL address to make the transfer http://5030026.e-gold.com/ , if you don't have E-Gold account you can register in this URL address http://www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=5030026
Send your transfer to our pay pal account : chandracorpfinance@yahoo.com , if you don't have Pay pal account you can register in this URL address https://www.paypal.com/row/mrb/pal=3RMLJULKFG8RE
Notes : Please don't send me an email your URL address if you are not ready to joint with our services. If you are satisfied with our services then it's time you full fill your obligation to send us some money to our account , minimum A package hosting . Because it's time that you must respectful for our work. Thanks for your attentions. Just proof it and joint with our package hosting to make your $ income increase
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